Go To Sleep

by Radiohead

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:31 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Hail To The Thief

Song Author


Tabbed by

Asbj�rn Sand Rasmussen


1st → Backing Vox
2nd → Acoustic Guitar
3rd → Vocals
4th → Rythm Guitar
5th → Lead Guitar
6th → Drums
7th → Stutter
8th → Bass

File Size

76 KB




Some say for the rag and bone man. Ov-er my dead bo___ + dy. Some-thing big is gon-na hap-pen___ + ov-er my dead bo + dy___ Some-one's son or some-one's daugh-ter___ + Ov-er my dead bo-+ dy This is how i'll end up sucked in_____ + + Ov-er my dead bo- + +dy I'm gon-na go to sleep. And let this wash all ov-er me. We don't real-ly want no mons-ters, ta-king ov-er Tip-toe ar-ound tie 'em down. We don't want the loo-nies, tak-ing ov-er____ Tip